corticoid|corticoids in English


corticosteroid, steroid hormone that the adrenal cortex produces

Use "corticoid|corticoids" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "corticoid|corticoids" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "corticoid|corticoids", or refer to the context using the word "corticoid|corticoids" in the English Dictionary.

1. Method for producing albumen/corticoid conjugates

2. Now starting Anti-inflammatory corticoid, hormones and antibiotic protocols.

3. Treatment with corticoids or acetylsalicylic acid failed to give positive effects.

4. During 5 months of corticoid therapy pulmonary abnormalities gradually resolved almost completely and remained equal during the 8 months follow-up after corticoid termination.

5. Administration of corticoids and β-mimetic drugs is used to treat antibody-mediated AV block and cardiomyopathy.

6. [Research on acute anuric nephritis; inversion of cellular permeability to electrolytes and corticoid overload; application to the control and treatment of Anurias].

7. 19 The clock genes were strongly expressed specifically in outer layers of the adrenal gland that are responsible for corticoid production.

8. The structure of rabbit achilles and patellar tendons were studied after intratendinous corticoid application, using the Debye-Scherrer X-ray diffraction method.

9. In collaboration with various co-workers, he isolated several protein hormones, including adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which stimulates the adrenal cortex to increase its secretion of corticoids.

10. These data suggest that the adrenal system of hypertensive patients produces less total corticoids; plasma ACTH levels of these patients therefore are higher than those of normal individuals.

11. An adrenocorticotropic insufficiency was found in most patients with sheehan syndrome, chromophobic adenoma and craniopharyngioma while in acromegaly and hypothalamo-pituitary dwarfism it was present less frequently, necessitating a substitution with corticoids.

12. Corticosteroid (Corticoid) được sử dụng để làm giảm viêm nhiều vùng trên cơ thể, thuốc sẽ làm giảm sưng, đỏ da, ngứa, dị ứng trầm trọng hoặc các vấn đề về da, hen suyễn hoặc viêm khớp